Episode 195: Stories like Sparklers

On August 6, 2022, Kasie and Rex recapped and revised their flash fiction experience from Wednesday night’s “Flash at the Bar” event hosted by Raegan Teller. Here are the show notes: Theme for the day Flash fiction takes longer to edit than to write, but the really good ones spark and hiss and pop and…

Episode 175: Long Fic or Short Fic? That is the question.

Theme for the day On February 5, 2022, Kasie and Rex took on the debate between long fiction (novels) and short work (stories, flash). Here are the show notes: Everyone’s Reading Short Stories … No, they aren’t. Agenda Why aren’t we reading novels anymore? Short story trends and rumors their resurgence What form is best…

Episode 129: The Art of the Setback

On January 16th, Kasie and Rex took on the idea of the setback — a necessary raise-the-stakes move in literature and storytelling. Here are the show notes: Theme for the day The Art of the Setback Agenda Events & Opportunities What is a “setback” and why does it matter? How to organized the setbacks in…

Episode 94: Great Beginnings

On May 9, 2020, Kasie and Rex revisited the topic “beginnings” from last summer’s Short Story Basics series. Here are the show notes: Theme for the day Great Beginnings Agenda Page 1 In Media Res Connecting to the rest of the work Link to the podcast Segment 1 So last week I complained about a…

Episode 77: Chekov’s Gun

On January 11, 2020, Kasie and Rex took on the idea of Chekov’s Gun (ever detail included must matter). Here are the show notes: Theme for the day: Chekov’s Gun Agenda What is Chekov’s Gun? Why be a rule follower? News in the S.C. Writerverse Link to podcast Segment 1 What is Chekov’s gun? Per…