Episode 180: It’s All Been Done Before

On March 26, 2022, Kasie and Rex took on Christopher Booker’s 7 Basic Plots. Here are the show notes: Theme for the day The Seven Basic Plots Agenda What are the 7 Basic Plots? Deeper Dive on one or two How to write the one (or two) we focus on Segment 1 The South Carolina…

Episode 179: The Price of Conformity

On March 19, 2022, Kasie and Rex dove back in to the heroine’s journey with yet another model. Here are the show notes: Theme for the day The Heroine’s Journey Part 3 Agenda Quick review of where we’ve been The Virgin’s Promise Required (?) elements of the heroine’s journey Segment 1 The South Carolina Writers…

Episode 178: The Gender-Centric Version

On March 12, 2022, Kasie and Rex continued discussion of the heroine’s journey with the gender-specific version of the structure. Here are the show notes: Theme for the day The Heroine’s Journey Part 2: It IS about gender Agenda Carriger’s Heroine’s Journey Unfinished Points A second model for the heroine’s journey – focused on the…

Episode 177: So She Does it Differently

On March 5, 2022, Kasie and Rex kicked off Women’s History Month with the Heroine’s Journey, the first in a series on the topic. Here are the show notes: Theme for the day The Heroine’s Journey Part 1 Agenda What is the heroine’s journey? How is it different from the hero’s? Critical questions before deeper…